We are proud to have partnered with Community Foundations of Canada and the Government of Canada to deliver the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) in Campbell River.
Our community foundation has granted the full funding available to our community through the ECSF.
In May we received $75,000 and in October a further $50,000 from the Federal Government for distribution to qualified donees in our community.
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Projects Supported by the ECSF
Spring ECSF Program
$ 10,000: Campbell River and North Island Transition Society to ensure that women are still able to access individual and group support services.
$ 3,845: Campbell River Hospice Society to provide Palliative Outreach packages for people who are facing end-of-life during COVID-19.
$ 10,000: North Island Supportive Recovery Society to continue to offer much needed detox and recovery services to clients, while keeping them and staff as safe as possible during the pandemic.
$ 10,000: The Salvation Army to assist with the added and unforeseen expense due to COVID 19.
$ 5,000: The John Howard Society of North Island to purchase grocery store gift cards to give to clients who are struggling at this time due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
$ 8,355: Campbell River Beacon Club Society to provide clients dealing with mental health issues support through online connections, life skill workshops, and food security.
$ 16,300: Campbell River Hospice Society to upgrade Second to None Thrift Store to meet COVID-19 requirements in order to fully operate the store which provides critical funding to Hospice Care.
$ 2,500: Ecotrust Canada to support the B.C. COVID-19 Active Fishermen’s Committee in responding to the challenges Campbell River area fish harvesters face in their essential work due to the pandemic.
$ 8,000: Linnaea Farm Society to build food literacy and security – from farm to folks who are in need.
Fall ECSF Program
$2,000: Campbell River and North Island Transition to replace furniture at the Ann Elmore Transition House that is used for isolation rooms/COVID beds
$5,000: Campbell River Beacon Club to deliver food hampers and meal services.
$7,000: Campbell River Volunteer Society to provide COVID 19 safe services that support isolated seniors and other vulnerable adults impacted by COVID 19 restrictions.
$5,000: The John Howard Society of North Island to provide emergency food funds to clients by way of grocery cards.
$4,000: Campbell River Beacon Club to renovate the Beacon Club facility to maximize the number of members that could attend programming and meal provisions in a COVID 19 safe manner.
$2,000: Campbell River Head Injury Support Society to provide a Life Skills program in a social distanced environment.
$15,000: Laichwiltach Family Life Society for a community kitchen and support program.
$10,000: The Salvation Army to continue to serve food bank clients and provide hot meals for the vulnerable members of the community.