NSG Spring 2025

Project Applications will be open

March 1st, 2025 to April 15th, 2025

Would you like to host an event in your neighbourhood, or work with your friends to help someone in your neighbourhood or your community, or teach someone about something your are really good at?

~ OR ~

Do you have an idea for a project that engages the youth in your neighbourhood?

Neighbourhood Small Grants can help bring your idea or your project to life with grants of $50–$500.

For inspiration, check out some of the past projects from across BC at neighbourhoodsmallgrants.ca

Eligibility & FAQ’s

What are Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG)?   

NSG provides up to $500 to individuals or groups of neighbours and friends to do local projects together that focus on building community and making their communities better places to live. The program is based on a simple but powerful idea—that everyone is a valuable member of the community and that we all have something to share.

How do you apply?   

You can apply online at www.neighbourhoodsmallgrants.ca.  If you need help with your application please contact the Campbell River Community Foundation.

Who can apply? 

These grants are meant for individuals or groups of people who live in the same community and the projects are meant to take place in the area where they live.   We encourage applicants to have even more people involved in organizing their project.  Neighbourhood Small Grants are about building community after all!

How are the decisions made about who gets funding? 

A group of volunteers who also live in our community decide which applications will get funding and distributes the funds between those projects.  They are called the NSG Review Committee.

What kinds of ideas get funded?  

Lots of different ideas can get funded, with a focus on those that build connections. In the past the program has funded block parties; emergency preparedness workshops; art making projects and art shows; community garden projects; book exchange boxes; music, harvest and lantern festivals; cultural celebrations; sports days; and much more! Preference will be given to new projects or those that have been funded for less than three consecutive years.

What are the other guidelines for projects?

  • Applicants must live in the participating community they apply to and do the project in that community.
  • Projects must be free, accessible and welcoming to all. They may not charge entrance fees, request donations, or fundraise for other projects and/or organizations.
  • Except for community gardens, projects involving infrastructure building or upgrading or purchasing of large equipment such as computers are not eligible.
  • Projects involving therapy and counselling support are not eligible.
  • Applicants may not profit financially from the project.
  • Registered organizations and businesses are not eligible to apply. These grants are specifically for individuals and small volunteer-based neighbourhood/community groups.
  • A portion of the grant money may be used to pay people for services (also called honoraria) to help with the project. An example may be a carpenter or face painter. Total honoraria may not be more than $100 per project.
  • Festival-style events are expected to focus on a specific neighbourhood or community with a range of 100 to 300 attendees. Projects that are part of festivals must demonstrate an activity within the event that helps neighbours to develop or strengthen relationships.
  • If a project is going to take place on neighbourhood streets or public spaces/parks, applicants will need to follow municipal by-laws and obtain appropriate permits and liability insurance prior to their project start date.

How can organizations be involved in projects?  

Although organizations cannot apply for these grants, we encourage them to spread the word to the members of their programs! When members of programs at an organization are funded, applicants are encouraged to do their projects outside of regular program activities and to open them up to people not already linked to the program. Staff can provide support and mentorship for a project, but the applicants are encouraged to plan, implement and take leadership in their projects.

What is the timeline?  

The NSG applications are open twice, every Spring and Fall. Retroactive funding is not available, so projects can start once the applicants have been notified that their application has been approved, which will happen 4-6 weeks after the deadline. Project activities can continue longer but grant money must be used within 6 months of receiving the grant.   Project Leaders are encouraged to share the stories of their project upon completion.  The stories can be shared by video, pictures and short summaries.
Remember that you may ask for $350 to be allocated for honorariums to anyone who contributes skills or knowledge as part of your project, including yourself.
Once you are ready to apply, you can submit your project via our online application.

Neighbourhood Small Grant Projects

  • $500 – Graeme Smith:  Neighbourhood Get Together
  • $500 – Kayley Clark:  Dessert Day
  • $500 – Tim Pennock:  Forever Camping
  • $500 – Ann Vansnick:  Let’s Paint and One on One Paint Time!
  • $500 – Karina Garibay Garcia:  My Emotional Landscapes
  • $500 – Sole McDougall:  Ocean Grove Christmas Festival
  • $500 – Donna Beaulieu:  Rain Upon Our Leaves
  • $500 – Terri-Lynne Fillion:  Seaview Village Community Garden
  • $500 – Yuma Bailey:  Portraits for Empowerment
  • $400 – Sue McDonald:  Summit Bird and Bat Box Program
  • $500 – Kristie Schwanicke:  Breaking Bread Dinner at Q’Waxsem Place
  • $500 – Katherine Rankin:  Fibre Arts at the Library
  • $500 – Jana Modras:  Cormorant BBQ
  • $500 – Exekiel Mithaunril – LGBTQ Learn to Knit
  • $500 – Ann Vansnick – Budding Artist Paint Day
  • $500 – Jayne White:  Summit Seed Library
  • $500 – Nancy Welsh:  Learn to Draw
  • $500 – Rockford Royko:  Community Coffee House
  • $500 – Sandra Weames:  Community Inclusion
  • $500 – Sheila Hollanders:  Surge Narrows Community Lunch
  • $500 – Soledad MacDougall:  Ocean Grove School Halloween Breakfast
  • $500 – Heather Robb:  Carlyle Crescent Seed Libary
  • $500 – Fern Peterson:  Seed Library
  • $500 – Kris Wellstein:  Rainwater Harvesting Workshop
  • $500 – Sue Moen:  Neighbourhood Intergenerational Get Together
  • $500 – Carla Duffey:  MMIWC2S Awareness
  • $500 – Janice Gladish:  Reconciliation Through Reading & Reflection
  • $500 – Melanie Circle:  Way to Go Library
  • $500 – Isabelle Laurin:  Carhi Interact Beachfire Picnic
  • $500 – James Wood:  Neighbourhood Concert
  • $500 – Sole MacDougall:  Ocean Grove School Grade 5 Celebration
  • $500 – Sheila Hollanders:  Surge Narrows Community Art Project
  • $500 – Ann Vansnick:  Goodbye Summer Hello Fall Sayward Style
  • $500 – Anne-Marie Long:  Discovery Islands Pride
  • $500 – James Wood:  Music Recordings
  • $500 – Kiley Ketchum:  Snacking Together
  • $500 – Laurel Cronk:  Loop Day!
  • $500 – Nancy Welsh:  Art That Anyone Can Do!
  • $500 – Sandra Weames:  Adams Family Picnic
  • $500 – Sarah Wright:  Active School Travel Community Day
  • $500 – Sieglinde Bentham:  Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness & Fire Safe Community
  • $500 – Nevil Hand:  Quadra Island Beach Cleanup
  • $500 – Ann Vansnick:  Spring is in the Air
  • $500 – Sandra Weames:  Strong Homes Make Strong Neighbourhoods
  • $500 – Sole MacDougall:  Ocean Grove Movie Night
  • $500 – Vanessa Sharkey:  Food Forest
  • $500 – James Wood:  Music Recodings Fall 2022
  • $500 – Tanya Henck:  Squirrel Cove Fall Fair
  • $500 – Carla Duffey:  Portraits for People
  • $500 – Diane McCredie:  Flower Power
  • $500 – Karen Floor:  Larwood Library Book Bench
  • $500 – Louella Baker:  Pickleball for Quadra Seniors
  • $500 – Whitney Ramm:  Gold Panning
  • $500 – Lucilla Girotto:  Book Care Box Spring 2021
  • $500 – Nevil Hand:  Quadra Island Beach Cleanup
  • $475 – Richard Cronk:  Owl Channel Project
  • $500 – Tamara McPhail:  Bokashiand Vermicomposting Demo
  • $500 – Sulyn Cedar:  Mushroom Growing Workshop
  • $463 – Teresa Reimer:  Easy Self Watering Garden Systems
  • $500 – Ann Vansnick:  Young Families Growing Together

The Campbell River Community has been really good to us through years of developing our businesses, so it has been really important on a philanthropy level and family morals level, to give back to the community that has always supported you.

Amanda Raleigh

The level of giving, and the level of philanthropy in this community is unbelievable.

Bill Matthews

The Campbell River Community Foundation is an organization that has a lot of professional people in it that manage the funds extremely well and distributes them to the individual organizations that really need them.

Randy Leigh

We have chosen to invest in the Campbell River Community Foundation because it is a way of giving back to the community and a continuing future legacy in which the funds are well managed and not heavy in administration fees. Local organizations in need are well served by this growing Foundation.

Kerry & Barry Watchorn

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